
The Time is Now to endorse the America First candidate in Oregon’s 37th House District.

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Endorsed by the People.

Kevin Dahlgren, Journalist

“Ben is going to bring common sense back to the state house. He is a passionate and intelligent leader that our state desperately needs.”

Paul Fruin, Retired

“I’ve followed Ben for years in his quest to end government tyranny and seek to understand what We the People want from our governments. Ben has convinced me that he understands that and is working diligently to represent all We the People, not simply a small group with loud voices and financial influence. Vote for Ben Edtl.”

Mark Shull, Clackamas County Commissioner

“Now is the time for dynamic change in Oregon. That change will require dynamic leadership with a high level of energy, a sense of justice for all Oregonians, and a vision of the future based on solid core values that will benefit everyone. When Ben Edtl is elected to HD37, Oregon Legislature, you will see a Representative who possesses the good judgement and the drive to make Oregon better for all people.

Elect Ben Edtl to HD37 in the general election, November 2024!”

Commissioner Mark Shull

Clackamas County

Kit Stavrum, Oregon Development Group, Inc.

“Ben Edtl has been a staunch defender of the people and of cleaning up our government and making the Government work for us and not the other way around. I support him in this endeavor and we need to stop the massive political corruption in Oregon's politics. Vote For Ben to clean up the swamp.”

Gloria Montes, Small Business Owner

“I have worked closely with Ben for the last two years.  I admire his steadfast determination to fight for conservative values despite facing external pressures.  He is dedicated, hard working and kind.  I know that he will never waver when it's time to stand for truth.”

Katy Lyons, Retired

“Ben has worked tirelessly for all of us!  He has good basic values and common sense!  I highly endorse Ben Edtl!”

Diana Hobgood, Exercise Therapist

“I endorse Ben Edtl as the America First candidate in Oregon’s 37th House District.”

Rutthy Taubb, Retired

“I endorse Ben!”

Matthew Bossard, Engineer

“In this Republic, We The People are the boss, and it's high time We start acting like it.  This starts with every able-bodied freedom-loving person actually VOTING.  Beyond that we need genuine We The People (not self-serving career politicians) to make sacrifices and serve their time in government. And we need a some sort of organized, sane mechanism to help make this happen. Not the politician-making machine that exists now.”

Briane Johnson, Teacher

“I endorse Ben Edtl because Ben Edtl was there for us during the lock downs fighting for our rights against vaccine and mask mandates!”

Michaela Hammerson, Chairwoman Umpqua Public Transportation District

“Ben is an exceptional leader who fights tirelessly for the rights and well-being of the people of Oregon. His work has significantly contributed to preserving equality and freedom throughout the state. I am confident that he will be an outstanding Representative for House District 37 and I wholeheartedly endorse him for this position.”

Lyneil Vandermolen, Small Business Owner at Van Chase Farm

“I met Ben when he organized a Free Oregon rally to protest the arbitrary and unconstitutional shut down of businesses during the Covid era. Having lost his businesses to the Portland police state, he understood the threats we are living under when all the organs of government organize against the citizen. Ben speaks for us.”

Paul W. May, Chairman Jefferson County Republican Central Committee, Retired Law Enforcement Officer and two-term City Councilor

“Oregon needs Ben Edtl!  Oregon can no longer sustain career politicians that make a living off of your tax Dollars.  From a Governor who hired her wife, to a failing transportation system to Government that has out of control spending.  We need a leader who understands the real needs of Oregonians and Ben Edtl is what we need in the Legislature.”

Stephen Joncus, Civil Rights Attorney

Dr. Henry Ealy, America Outloud

Dr. Stephen LaTulippe, America’s Frontline Doctors

Dr. Tyna Moore, Naturopathic Medicine

Marc Thielman, School District Superintendent

Mike Nearman, Editor Northwest Observer

Don Powers, Vice Chair ORP Election Integrity Committee

Gabriel Buehler, Chair Washington County Republican Party

Paul Cantrell, Pastor