
My Story

I was thrown into politics in 2020, as a small business owner, when I didn’t comply with the illegal lockdowns. I questioned the government policies that contradicted everything I knew about our country. I voiced concerns for the destructive policies that flamed lawlessness and division. Our family business ultimately became one of thousands that didn’t survive.

In January 2021 I started Free Oregon, a non-partisan Civil Rights organization, to hold the government accountable. I helped inspire tens of thousands of Oregonians to join me in raising hundreds of thousands of dollars to file the nation’s most significant lawsuits protecting medical freedom, election integrity and our children in public schools.

The biggest problem facing Oregonians is the corrupt politicians on both sides of the isle. It seems nearly all our representatives are on the taxpayer rake and that’s why, no matter how much is spent, the problems we face in Oregon just worsen year after year.

We need to elect government oppositional leaders who refuse to stand down against the government machine causing strife and chaos in our lives, workplaces, schools and communities.

I am one of those leaders. I can’t be bought. My price is my life.

The work that I’ve been able to do, since 2020, effecting change in Oregon’s political landscape would not be possible without the support of my wife and family. They are my why. I could not imagine a future Oregon where our children are left to face the outcome of the communist progressive political movement facing our generation.